Rebranding – I mean truly rebranding – is not for the faint of heart. By definition it means making a significant change and change is difficult for some people to embrace. It’s not necessarily an admission that things were wrong before. Perhaps your organization simply needs a course correction to keep pace with changing times. Let’s consider for a moment exactly what is involved in rebranding.

Branding requires a close look inward at what your company’s or destinations strengths are. It requires an examination of who your customers and potential customers are so that you can communicate your brand message to them in a meaningful way.

Rebranding means revisiting these subjects and making adjustments to the way you sell the experience of doing business with you or visiting your destination. If you are not reframing the way people think about your company or destination you are not rebranding.

A new website with the same message reorganized into a new format is not rebranding.

A new ad campaign that sells the product in the same basic way as before using slightly different words is not rebranding.

Placing your ads is new media in new markets is not rebranding

A new logo is definitely not rebranding.

All these things could be ingredients in a rebranding initiative. The bottom line is if you are not reexamining and improving your basic positioning in the marketplace, you are not truly rebranding. Yes, it’s bold. But it’s the bold moves that usually yield the greatest results.

Also see an earlier post about “when is the right time to rebrand.”


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