I’m writing this entry from Fairfax, Virginia, where I am having a blast at the Virginia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus’ Tourism Summit. This has been a tremendously gratifying conference for me and for the entire Inprint creative team. It’s been a chance to see old friends and make new ones. I’ve also had a chance to listen to some great speakers, including Governor Bob McDonnell who is a true believer in the economic benefits of tourism.

A second reason why this meeting has been gratifying is the feedback I’ve received to some of Inprint’s recent tourism work. Some people have already seen the new ad campaign and other aspects of the recent rebranding of the Roanoke Valley CVB and are unanimous in their praise. We have worked hard on that project and believe we have started the RVCVB down a great road to success. Two other tourism initiatives are also receiving overwhelming praise: a heritage tourism project called Crossroads to Settlement; and an eco-tourism project for the Upper James River Water Trail. Both projects are multi-faceted campaigns that include websites, brochures and advertising. It certainly means a lot when other tourism professionals recognize and laud our creative work.


6 Walnut Avenue • Vinton, Virginia 24179

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