If you are a regular reader of this blog, particularly
Good News Monday, you have probably seen a pattern. There are certain kinds of
stories that I find genuinely uplifting. I never get tired of happening upon
new examples. Indeed, the more I hear, the more inspired I become.

There is a section in Runner's World Magazine aptly
titled "The Human Race." This brief article in the October issue is chock full
of good news.

• The principal and teachers at this school go above and
beyond what is expected of teachers. Clearly, it's more than just a job to
these people.

• The teachers led by example. That’s always good news
because the world needs more leaders.

• These educators never gave up on or underestimated
these young people even though they all have some degree of disability.

• The students themselves worked hard to complete their
goal of finishing the Baltimore Marathon as a relay team. They did it and felt the satisfaction that comes from pushing your limits.

It didn't end at the finish line, though. Hopefully,
these young people have adopted a healthy habit for a lifetime and learned a
crucial lesson about hard work and perseverance. It sure look as if they did.
"When I run, I feel like I can do anything," says said one of the
students. "I'll never stop."


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