• If two heads are better than one, why
is trying to undertake any serious and significant project by committee a
horrible idea?
• I always chuckle when someone declares that print is dead. The declarer is clearly trying to be provocative and/or appear smarter than he or she really is. Readers spend an average of 41 minutes with a magazine (anybody have a website that can top that?). 92% of Americans read magazine including hard-to-reach millenials. Sure, print media is changing, but it’s far from extinct. Not including it as a part of an integrated strategy is a major mistake.
• I believe in the power of great
design, smart typography, excellent photography and compelling copywriting.
Yet, all of these things are rendered pointless without solid positioning and
differentiation from competitors.
• “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results,” according to Albert Einstein, which is why it
is so frustrating that a client will hire us as outside experts to set them on
the right strategic path and almost immediately after we finish our work they
are right back to doing things "they way we've always done it." Clearly
“the way we’ve always done it” is one of the most powerful forces in the
universe. Shame.
• Creativity sells! No matter what the product — from conservative topics like financial planning to personal items like skin care (think of those Dove commercials) to fun things like travel and tourism — figuring out a unique way to position your product and a memorable way to pitch it will work 100% of the time.