Last weekend at the same time that the online video and 30-second TV spot for the highly successful History Over the Water campaign were receiving ADDY Awards in Roanoke, the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism was unveiling a brand new video for 2016 at its annual meeting.
The new video introduces potential visitors to the charm of the Alleghany Highlands two downtown districts. So often travelers stick close to the interstate exits to get fuel, fast food and supplies before continuing to their destination, which may be an attraction, resort, campground, amusement park, etc. In the case of the Alleghany Highlands, and many other small towns, just a short drive from the interstate will put you in the middle of a postcard-perfect, all-American downtown.
Our team wanted to promote these downtowns in a way that is slightly different from most tourism videos. The standard destination video says, “When you visit our community you’ll find something for everyone, yadda, yadda.” Our creative team looks for fresh ways to talk about communities and experiences. And we don’t think it’s ever appropriate to “yadda, yadda” great places – whether it’s a major city or a quaint small town.
The Downtowns of the Alleghany Highlands video is truly an ode to all great small town downtowns. Rural towns, especially in the South, are filled with incredible hospitality and friendliness. In towns that have no mega-malls, it’s where people shop and meet friends for a cup of coffee. It’s where kids visit the candy store or old-fashioned ice cream shop. Artists share their work at local studios and sometimes offer folks a hands-on experience creating their own art. It’s bustling yet peaceful at the same time. Our video pays homage to the classic downtown and tells the world that the two downtowns of the Alleghany Highlands – Clifton Forge and Covington – offer that all-American downtown experience that should not be missed.