
The Secrets Behind the Success

As a refresher, you might want to take a quick look at the previous blog post. It summarizes some of the recent successes with Bath County Tourism, including a nearly 40% increase in web traffic over the same period a year earlier. Plus, we launched a couple of new...

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Getting Results for Bath County

Early in the spring of 2019, Mikula-Harris entered into a unique partnership with Bath County to provide strategic and creative guidance to its office of tourism. The relationship allowed us to steer the tourism program in a few significant ways: • exercise creative...

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What the heck is a Brand Essence?

The definition of Brand Essence is “a brand’s fundamental nature or quality.” In other words, it’s the heart and soul of a brand. I've also heard it defined as the reason the brand exists in the first place, which may be accurate for corporate brands but is a bit of...

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