This is the second installment in a 5-part series summarizing some things you may not know but should about working with our firm or creative agencies in general.
2. Creativity Moves the Needle
I had the pleasure of attending a national American
Advertising Federation (AAF) conference several years ago. I clearly recall a
panel discussion that included some of advertising’s brightest stars. It made
such an impression, in part because it validated our own long-held belief. One
of the panelists was the creative director for Ogilvy & Mather, one of the
biggest and best in the advertising world. He and their agency were still
riding high from a ton of awards and publicity from the groundbreaking Dove
Real Beauty campaign. Of course it’s nice to receive recognition for their
work, he said, but the agency very carefully monitors sales and market share of
the products they promote. It’s no coincidence that the campaigns that increase
market share are also the ones that receive awards. The great work truly works.
So, which matters more to us, the creativity or moving
the needle? Certainly the answer is moving the needle for our client. Today’s
message, though, is that they go hand-in-hand. Allowing great creative work to
blossom will yield results. Stifling the creative work will reduce the results.