I like interesting people. I enjoy reading biographies and watching documentaries that chronicle the lives of people who have influenced history or cultutre. Sometimes the subjects are infamous or controversial. Then again, sometimes they are fun and inspiring — and that is what we celebrate on Good News Monday.

Today I want to introduce you to someone who has made every winter of my life more fun. His name is Warren Miller and he spent his life making movies about skiing. If the only thing we knew about him was his portfolio of work, he would still belong in Good News Monday, but there is much more to his story.
He’s a pioneer — a leader and not a follower. He had no example to follow in his career because he paved the way. He is considered the father of adventure sports cinematography. No one knew that a decent living could be made making ski movies because no one had ever tried it, but he followed his dream and lived in a trailer in the parking lot at Sun Valley, Idaho, in his early years. He’s more than a movie maker, he’s a gifted writer and philosopher who speaks about the feeling of freedom encountered on the slopes. He’s also very funny. His unique wit and distinctive voice are showcased in many of his movies. Until recently he was a columnist for SKI Magazine where he shared tales
of his ski adventures around the world. Whenever I read his words I hear them in his voice and it makes me smile. When I see silly things on the slopes, I again hear his voice and wonder how he’d describe the scene.

He is a legend in the ski industry and is rightfully in the Ski Hall of Fame. But wait, there’s more. Now that Mr. Miller is in the 80s and retired from making films, he started a non-profit foundation to help young people gain the skills they need to be successful entrepreneurs. Also, I heard recently that he was writing his autobiography. His only problem – in his words — is that he doesn’t know how it ends. Take your time, Warren. I look forward to the audio version.


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