The web site has been live for just over week and the brochures were just delivered two days ago. The ads haven’t appeared anywhere except on our Facebook page. In such a short time the response has been tremendous. Here’s a sample of what people are saying, either though direct communication with Inprint or the Botetourt County Office of Tourism as well as on Facebook and Twitter:

“Just thought I would take a quick minute to let you know how impressed we are with the new Upper James River Water Trail website & logo. The website is easy to use, informative, very visually appealing, and gets people excited about coming to the area to try out our great river.”

“I was just forwarded the link to your new website. I am so impressed. You did a bang up job of highlighting all the necessary amenities to go along with a river trip.”

“I wanted to let you know I am very impressed with the Upper James River Water Trail website. It is comprehensive and easy to navigate with nice mapping. I look forward to a time when my family may enjoy this wonderful resource.”

“Beautiful new Web site!!! You da man.” note: da man in this case is Kevin Costello, the visionary behind the formation of the Upper James River Water Trail.

Posted on Facebook: “Another great tool/resource for helping people Get Outside! If you like canoeing, fishing or kayaking check this site out! Nice work Kevin Costello and David Mikula and Inprint.” This post was followed by a string of complimentary comments about the web site.

The web site was also featured in great article in the Fincastle Herald.

We’re proud of the campaign and confident that it will help promote recreation on the James River. I think there will be a lot more commentary on this campaign in the future as word gets around about the Upper James River Water Trail.


6 Walnut Avenue • Vinton, Virginia 24179

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