This news may seem exciting only to geeky marketing people. I admit to being one of those, so I find this news historic and frankly not all that surprising. Last week, Facebook had a weekly lead over Google for total web site traffic according to Hitwise. (More details here).

If you have ever doubted whether social media is a fad or a permanent part of our culture, this should help you decide. Facebook’s growth has been staggering, recently surpassing 400 million users worldwide. Still, that’s only part of the story. Half of those users log in to check messages and updates daily. More than 20 million users become fans of something every day. (More Facebook stats here) While there is plenty of B-to-B marketing potential as well, the Business-to-Consumer reach is truly off the charts. Any business in the B-to-C world that is not already tapping into the power of social media should re-think that position immediately.

The marketing power of social media is undeniable. And Facebook is the 800 lb gorilla at the moment. There is room for debate over the strengths and weaknesses of the other outlets: YouTube, MySpace, Twitter, not to mention the new entrant to the fray Google Buzz. That’s the subject for another blog post, probably many other blog posts. In the meantime, feel free to connect with Inprint’s social media outlets on Facebook and Twitter.


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