All I Need to Know I Learned on the Ski Slopes
Way back in 1988, a writer/minister/modern-day philosopher named Robert Fulghum wrote a great book called All I need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. It was a collection of essays that took its title from the first essay about life lessons learned as a child....
Making heritage tourism appeal to more than just history buffs
History was not my best subject in school. Even today, I do not consider myself an avid history fan. Still, some of the more moving and memorable places I've been in my travels are historic places. • Monticello – Walking the very halls where Thomas Jefferson once...
Five questions to ask to find out if your tourism brand needs help
1. Can you explain your destination’s brand in a single, concise sentence? 2. If you asked a co-worker, board member, community leader or elected official to explain the brand, would his or her single sentence be remotely close to yours? 3. When making decisions about...
What do you believe?
As the firm I co-founded with my esteemed business partner approaches 20 years old, I have been reflecting recently on the changes we've seen in the advertising world. The industry has changed a lot over these past two decades. Technology offers more ways to reach...
Every community has a unique story. Are you listening?
If you're like me, you frequently cruise down the highway on the way to your destination without giving a minute of thought to the counties and small towns that you pass through at 70-ish mph. In recent years as Inprint has worked with numerous tourism clients it...
Top 5 Don’ts for tourism branding and advertising
Everyone has a "to do list", so for a change of pace we decided to share our top 5 "don'ts." Some items relate to the big picture of brand building while others are about creating powerful advertising. It’s one thing to miss an opportunity to...
Reflections on two decades in business
We are in the middle of a major celebration here at Inprint. It began a couple of weeks ago and will continue into early 2012. The reason: we're turning 20 years old. Remember how good you felt at 20? Yeah, we feel the same way. I'm told by experienced...
The Inprint Economic Stimulus Act of 2011
In this blog a few days ago, we described the economic impact of a modest getaway for a family of four. The example shows how a thriving travel industry can offer a big boost to the nation's sputtering economy and the boost can be immediate. It can create jobs in...
A Real Jobs Proposal – part 1
When people travel for leisure or business they not only support jobs by spending money on local products and services, they also deposit tax dollars into local communities that desperately need revenue. Without getting bogged down with precise dollar amounts,...
Branding planet Earth
Does developing a tourism brand for the entire planet sound crazy? Is that regional branding run amok? I know our team could do it and I'm certainly ready to begin a thorough fact-finding tour immediately. The idea may seem silly at first, but it actually brings...